Rice cups to grams conversion table & calculator

Easily convert any measurement of rice cups to grams with this online calculator. How many grams are there in one cup of white rice?

Measuring rice by weight (grams instead of cups) provides more accurate results in cooking. Please note that rice cups to grams conversion vary by room temperature, quality of rice etc. But by using these conversion rates you can’t go wrong.

When we are talking about converting rice from cups to grams, we refer to regular white rice, a smaller grain type rice used most frequently in western cooking. For different rice types you can get different conversion rates. Scroll down to see rice cups to grams conversion for other types of rice.

1 cup of white rice = 210 grams.

Online rice cups to grams calculator

Simply type in the cups measurement of your rice that you want to convert to grams (g). Then click the “Convert rice cups to grams” button, and you’ll instantly get the weight in grams.

Convert rice cups to grams

Convert rice cups to grams

Rice cups to grams conversion table

White rice cups Amount, in grams (g)
1/8 cup 26 g
1/4 cup 53 g
1/3 cup 70 g
3/8 cup 79 g
1/2 cup 105 g
5/8 cup 131 g
2/3 cup 140 g
3/4 cup 158 g
7/8 cup 184 g
1 cup 210 g
2 cups 420 g
3 cups 630 g
4 cups 840 g
5 cups 1050 g

Other types of rice

Type of rice One cup in grams
Regular white rice 210 g
Long grain rice 200 g
Arborio rice 200 g

Notes To Converting Rice Cups To Grams

As you can see, all types of rice vary roughly between 200 and 210 grams per cup. Somewhere we rounded the values as even when you measure the same type of rice in the same setting you can get different results by 1-5 grams.

Furthermore, when using rice, it is not that important to have exact quantities. You won’t really notice any difference if using 200 or 210 grams of rice, no matter what type.

So simply using 200 grams as the weight of one cup for long grain rice and 210 grams for smaller grain rice will do the job.

We used regular US cups (240 ml) to determine how much is 1 cup of rice in grams.