Oz To Tbsp (Ounces To Tablespoons)

Converting oz to tbsp is not as straightforward as you might think. Ounces (oz) are a mass unit while tablespoons (tbsp) are a volume unit. But even if there is no exact conversion rate converting ounces to tablespoons, here we assembled a handy spreadsheet containing the most searched for oz to tbsp conversions for the most common food items.

Convert Ounces To Tablespoons

Here you can find the most searched for kitchen ingredients converted from ounces to tablespoons. Please note that tbsp values are rounded to the nearest 1/6, 1/3 or 1/2. To measure out 1/3 tbsp simply use one teaspoon, for 1/6 tbsp use 1/2 tsp. These are US tbsp values, but you can basically use the same amount in tablespoons if you are measuring with UK tablespoons.

Ingredient 1 Oz To Tbsp 1.5 Oz To Tbsp 2 Oz To Tbsp 3 Oz To Tbsp 4 Oz To Tbsp 5 Oz To Tbsp
Water 1 5/6 tbsp 2 5/6 tbsp 3 5/6 tbsp 5 2/3 tbsp 7 1/2 tbsp 9 1/2 tbsp
Flour 3 1/2 tbsp 5 1/2 tbsp 7 1/3 tbsp 11 tbsp 14 1/2 tbsp 18 1/6 tbsp
Sugar 2 1/3 tbsp 3 1/3 tbsp 4 1/2 tbsp 6 2/3 tbsp 9 tbsp 11 1/3 tbsp
Butter 2 tbsp 3 tbsp 4 tbsp 6 tbsp 8 tbsp 10 tbsp
Milk 1 5/6 tbsp 2 2/3 tbsp 3 2/3 tbsp 5 1/2 tbsp 7 1/3 tbsp 9 1/3 tbsp
Cocoa powder 4 1/2 tbsp 6 2/3 tbsp 9 tbsp 13 2/3 tbsp 18 1/6 tbsp 22 2/3 tbsp
Vegetable oil 2 tbsp 3 tbsp 4 1/6 tbsp 6 1/6 tbsp 8 1/6 tbsp 10 1/3 tbsp
Powdered sugar 3 5/6 tbsp 5 2/3 tbsp 7 1/2 tbsp 11 1/3 tbsp 15 1/6 tbsp 18 5/6 tbsp
Honey 1 1/3 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 2/3 tbsp 4 tbsp 5 1/3 tbsp 6 2/3 tbsp