Flour ounces to cups conversion table & calculator

Easily convert any measurement of all purpose flour ounces to cups with this online calculator.

Measuring your flour by weight (ounces instead of cups) provides more accurate results in cooking. But sometimes you need to convert oz measurement to cup measurement. Please note that flour ounces to cups conversion vary slightly by room temperature, quality of flour etc. But by using these conversion rates you can’t go wrong.

4.4 ounces of all purpose flour equal 1 cup.

Online all purpose flour ounces to cups calculator

Simply type in the ounce (oz) measurement of your all purpose flour that you want to convert to cups. Then click the “Convert ounces to cups” button, and you’ll instantly get the measurement in cups.

Convert flour oz to cups

Convert flour ounces to cups

Flour ounces to cups conversion table

Please note that these are all rough approximations. Use the calculator above to get exact measurement.

All purpose flour ounces (oz) Measurement in cups
1 oz 1/5 cup
2 oz 1/2 cup
3 oz 7/10 cup
4 oz 9/10 cup
5 oz 1 1/7 cups
6 oz 1 1/3 cups
7 oz 1 3/5 cups
8 oz 1 4/5 cups
9 oz 2 cups
10 oz 2 1/4 cups